Tell My People


TMP International Leadership Training

Join hundreds of alumni from over 28 nations who have experienced TMP Ieadership programs and are successfully transforming their ministries, communities and nations.




Overview One of the greatest callings a man or woman can receive is to...
Alumni Making a Difference The Apostle Paul never lost sight of the fact that...
What We Believe We believe in one God, Creator of all things, who is...
TMP History Tell My People was founded in 1976 by Dale and Helen Lynch...

What We Offer

Training Programs

Men in Leadership

Women in Leadership

The Leadership Summit

TMP Alumni

Making a Difference
“TMP is not only a place, TMP is a calling, built in a culture of Love, Excellence, Holiness, Forgiveness and Empowering Leadership. It’s a place that I’m so grateful to be part of it, as TMP is part of me.”
– Sassie Reguera, TMP alumni, Ecuador
Antonio Perez, MIL 1993 “I have completed 40 years of ministry in preaching and teaching the word of God and I am grateful to God and TMP for giving me the opportunity to serve...
Mirelis Agramonte, Dominican Republic, 2012 TMP graduate. “I want you to know that through the teachings I learned in TMP God has given me messages of faith unimaginable to me. It is as if I...
Pastor Victor Leal Rodrigues, Matamoros, Tamaulipas, Mexico, a 1988 TMP graduate and TMP ordained minister, was formerly a professor in Electrical Engineering. Since his graduation, Victor has collaborated in planting new churches, as well as taking...
TMP invites you to become a partner
of planting the incorruptible seed, the Word of God, in the rich soil of the hearts of men and women around the world!