Tell My People


    Visa Information

    If you live outside of the United States, you must answer all of the questions.

    U.S. Consulate Information

    When receiving an appointment for an interview with the U.S. Consulate, take your TMP letter to the interview. Please be aware that some Consulates may require evidence of your ability to pay travel fare and expenses.

    Once approved the applicant must scan and email a copy of the visa to the Registrar to verify that the correct visa dates to attend a TMP program. It is mandatory that this be done after receiving the visa.

    U.S. Immigration Information

    If you are approved by TMP, you must keep in mind that the permission granted by the US Consulate is then under U.S. Immigration authorities. To come to TMP means you are here only to attend the TMP program. Please be informed that TMP is required to report to Homeland Security all foreign students who violate returning to their country as required.

    If you violate this trust you are exposing sanctions from those authorities and it will greatly harm other leaders of your nation who want to come and receive this experience God has for them that will change their lives and that of others.